
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - October 2015

Ayat-ul-Kursi has always supported me: The 3rd thing is that whenever I came out of my house, I always recited Ayat-ul-Kursi, I do not recall even one instance that I came out of my house and did not recite Ayat-ul-Kursi. I ever forget Ayat-ul-Kursi, I cannot think of it and I never forgot it and always made Ayat-ul-Kursi companion of my life and then Ayat-ul-Kursi also always supported me, whenever my steps would go towards a mosque, I read Ayat-ul-Kursi and Ayat-ul-Kursi always kept me lively and happy. The benefits which I got from it in my life are: One day it so happened that I went out from my house for some work and was suppose to go to bazaar, I was reciting Ayat-ul-Kursi continuously and I had recited it few times that in front a person wearing a piece of cloth at the corner of the street was waiting for me, it was day time and I had come out after offering nawafil of Chasht, suddenly I felt that he wants to attack me, at this moment  was on my tongue.

Attack before attack: I was reciting it and he came towards me and there was a sharp small sword in his hand and he was charging towards me, every person was looking towards him that suddenly he shouted Oh! And the sword fell from his hand, I quickly lept and picked up that sword but he sat down holding his ankle and was so engrossed in his pain that he lost conscious that in which condition he is right now and where is he? People gathered and were gossiping like quiet spectators. One person moved him and he suddenly fell down and actually he was unconscious, everybody said that he has been bitten by some snake or poisons thing, they looked around here and there and searched his dress too, but there was nothing, many people left cursing him but I do not know, what was the feeling inside me that I stayed back and sword was in my hand, many more people also stayed back. Finally, a medic was called and he tried to bring him back to conscious with his medicines and finally he gained conscious.

I am a professional killer! He opened his eyes after a while and when his eyes met mine, he lowered his eyes and started crying loudly, he could not walk so he came towards me by pulling himself along the ground and kept his hands on my feet and started crying and said please, forgive me. Actually I am a professional killer! You have some dispute with somebody regarding a garden of dates, even I know that this garden is actually yours. A cruel person wants to occupy it and he has send me towards you, since many days I am looking for a chance, today I had the best chance and when I leapt towards you, in similar manner I felt that somebody has hit my ankle with a sword and  I don’t remember what happened afterwards? The pain over-whelmed me and I fell.

 Whatever happened is beyond my comprehension: Now I have gained conscious and I checked my ankle and neither there is any injury nor blood, what happened? Definitely whatever happened is beyond my comprehension but, whatever has happened it was due to my misdoing, you forgive me. I ask for your forgiveness. I forgave him from my heart and truthfully I forgave his feelings.

Advice of a spirit is a precious pearl! This instance is such an instance which revealed so much blessings of Ayat-ul-Kursi upon me and so clearly that I am amazed myself till today, that what is Ayat-ul-Kursi after all? When I was not reciting it, wealth was limited and when I started reciting it, wealth fell like rain fall, before this, in my house there were illnesses, limited means, problems, troubles, irritants, quarrels without any significant reason, we just use to quarrel amongst ourselves without any particular reason, one problem would not resolve that another would come across and so on and like this my life was stuck continuously in these troubles and problems and since, I recited Ayat-ul-Kursi, meaning, when I started reciting it coming out of the house, there was a sense of pleasantness, happiness, security and success in me, so, I advise you and advice of a spirit is very precious that you never forget reciting Ayat-ul-Kursi while coming out of your house! This is the thing which keeps you perpetually contented and will keep you making successful.

4th advice of the spirit of Tabeyee رحمت اللہ: The 4th thing which is my advice is, that before every work, before starting any work one must recite now you are in the living world and have not come in the Barzakh world (life after death) and when you will arrive in Barzakh then the facts which will be revealed upon you will be such which you cannot comprehend and these facts would be such that if expressed, will not be accepted by people. A person who recites before any work, 19 angels come to his help immediately, 19 blessings envelope him, and 19 powers of Allah’s help contribute towards his work, 19 troubles are removed from him, he gets 19 blessings, 19 evil Jinnat and satanic beings who work to spoil his work and cause loss go far away from him, 19 powers and Allah’s help are added in his work. Whenever I recited in my life,always gave me successes, respect, blessings and Barkat to me. And I had a feeling that  gave me a new life and new strength. Secret of protection from satanic and evil things. Before it so happened that a job of little while would take much time but now it takes even less time. has never given me failure in any field and has always given me success. I changed for better in my habits, desires and temperament. Whenever I recited blessings became a shade for me and a feeling even after coming to the world of spirit, is still there and it is, that one who recites will always


be protected from satanic and evil things and one who recitesalways is saved from such accidents and unbelievable mishaps which he himself does not come to know and if he knew, he could have saved himself but when he himself is not aware of it then how will he save himself? One who recites stays very peaceful and one who recites of before every work always stays in peace and happiness in his life. With the world of the heart is revealed, problems of life are solved, worries do not happen, troubles are solved and one who recites becomes beloved of the Provider, the creation and generations so much so that animals, angels, birds, vicious animals also start loving him. Therefore, it is my advice that before starting any work one must reciteas with this one gets such pleasures, happiness, respect and successes in life which he cannot think about.


5th and special advice of spirit of Tabeyee R.A: My 5th advice which is a very special advice is that always remember to keep your mouth clean of abuse, living or not, pak or na’pak, one should not abuse anything and keep your thoughts and temperament away from abuse, so as abuse was never in your temperament, I narrate an instance.


 Lesson giving effects of abuses: This is when there were no inventions in your world, it was a period of peace in this world, period of Barkats, respects and peace in which there was contentment, peace, Barkat, blessings and happiness, simple diet, healthy faces and fragrant words. I met a person and I saw that he would utter a lot of abuses while talking and I only saw problems, troubles, worries, sorrows and failures and more failures in his life. He came to me for pray. A fly would sit on him again and again, he would remove it, once, would scold the second time and would utter abuse to the fly when it sat upon him the 3rd time. Thus, I understood there and then the reason for his troubles are abuses. I asked him that do you utter abuses? He said no but when am angry then naturally I start abusing, I abuse only at that time when I am angry, otherwise not. Then said, no, it is a practice in our locality that when you are angry, you utter abuses also. When we are happy, even then we definitely abuse each other. I told him that from today you will not abuse, your problems and troubles, your worries will end 100%.


 Relief from the troubles of life: He took my advice seriously and with trust and met me after some time and said that I did not understand what you said at that time and I desired that I will take some recitation of some holy verses etc. from you but you did not give me some recitation to do and you just gave me this act of, not to abuse, if you would have given me any recitation, it would have been easier for me but abusing is such a thing of which I have developed the habit of, to refrain from it and to take it out of my mind and tongue was very difficult job for me but, I worked hard and again and again some abuse would come in my mouth but I use to stop myself, again and again some bad word came into my mouth but I would close my mouth. After this effort of few weeks, now I have come out of this trouble and so as that I have come out of the troubles of my life. There was a storm of troubles in my life and I was surrounded by worries, problems and irritants and failures, I thought that the solution of all this can only be death and I was waiting for death but since you stopped me form uttering abuses, I am very peaceful since that day, my problems, troubles, worries and failures in life have changed towards peace and blessings.


A small act gave relief from troubles: I am sincerely grateful that you gave me the act of not to abuse. This is itself such an act which sucked out the problems from my life, washed away my worries, and there is peace and contentment in my house and my house has come out of the troubles and problems in such a way that I am extremely satisfied. I am extremely thankful to you that you relieved me from this problem.


Strange experiences, strange talks, strange observations: Sahabi Baba was carrying out all this conversation and I was listening to all this very carefully, people in the gathering were also enjoying and actually they were strange experiences, strange talks and strange observations which were beyond ordinary wisdom and comprehension.


Give Masha Allah to your eyes: Another special advice which he told was to give Masha Allah to your eyesight, whenever you lift your eyes and see such a thing like daughter, son, wife, house, conveyance, capital for business, place of earning or any other thing in your life, give Masha Allah to your eyesight and tongue. When you will say Masha Allah, your mouth and your breaths will spread fragrance and you will spread happiness, peace and sincerity in your temperament and each and every cell of yours will be blessed. The Tabeyee R.A. said with confidence that remember that our eyes are an arrow amongst the arrows and they have an effect towards one’s own and towards others too, and each glance has an effect and with this effect either peace is spread or evil is spread and if you want that with your glances, peace is spread and there is contentment, peace, blessings and well being and Barkat in your house then whenever you lift your eyes, say Masha Allah. Whenever you look at something attentively, whenever you pay attention towards something and whenever you feel affectionate towards something, say Masha Allah.


Produce positive effect in your eyesight: By doing so, within few days, such an effect will be produced in your eyesight that whatever you will see will get cure, whoever you will see, he will become your friend, whoever you will see, his heart will feel affection towards you and where ever you will see, there will be mercy, peace, Barkat and positivity for you which you cannot even think of, you will find Nur (divine light) in your eyes, you will feel pleasantness in your eyes and a slight weight of blessing in your heart when you will give attention towards it always (Continued).



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